Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Village of Hope - Part 4

Sunday morning church services.

After church, we all went down to the ocean, which is about a mile away, for Inka's baptism.

Inka, Joan and Fostina.

Our group ate Sunday lunch at this resort on the beach.

Our group. (back l to r)Blair, Tiffany, Rodney, Barry, Bob, Joan, Kent (front l to r) Robin, Anna, Tommy, Pat.

Go to part 5


Anonymous said...

Joan, sometimes you sure do look like your Grandmommie. She would be very proud of the work you've done here.

tamandscott said...

Great pictures, that resort looks awesome!

no said...

I came... I saw. Still so exciting even just looking at the pictures.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your comments Aunt Judy, Tammie, and Tina!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful place! The ocean and sand look so tempting, how did you resist jumping in? What a wonderful expirence that must have been! You all did wonderful work!