Monday, July 03, 2006

Village of Hope - Part 3

The Village of Hope is not only an orphanage, but a school and clinic. Some of the children pay to come to school everyday. The school and clinic are how the VOH makes money...which isn't enough.

One of the days I rode the bus home with the kids. The following were taken while I was on the schoolbus. We went through the villages of Senya and Fettah.

Everyone carries their load on their head.

Senya Police Station

The guest house where we stayed at the VOH.

On the left is Latisha. She was our cook while we were there. She made delicious foods that we are used to such as Spaghetti, Fried Chicken, and this wonderful Pizza! We had fresh pineapple with every meal. We ate very well while there. Fostina is the lady on the right. She was great! She is Fred's wife (Director) and pretty much told us what to do!

Go to part 4


Anonymous said...

The police station looks kind of like "The Old West" in movies.

tamandscott said...

Those kids are beautiful and so happy. It would have been hard for me to not sneak one home with me. It sounds like a wonderful trip. I wonder if that is the exact same orphanage my brother went to??

Unknown said...

I know, Aunt Judy! I thought the same thing.

Yes, Tammie the kids were adorable.