Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Oprah's show about the VOH

When I mentioned this story, I didn't know much about it. But Mike Cope has posted an update here and here.

Oprah's show about this airs THIS FRIDAY! People are also discussing it on her site message board.


angie c said...

I couldn't wait to see this on Oprah. I'm so glad she did the story. I really want to go to the village of hope someday and wish it had been talked about more on the show, oh well..any exposure is good. It broke my heart to hear about what is going on over there. Can't America do something? It's so frustrating. It makes me want to adopt ten of them. . .

Unknown said...

Yes, I know what you mean Angie. It's hard to see what they go through. I also hope you get to visit the VOH some day soon! It's so encouraging to see the work being done there. I enjoy playing a small part in that. It was fun watching the Oprah show and seeing MY alphabet on the walls in the background! :)